A Premium Storage Solution for your vehicle

  • Our Storage Site is highly secure,  clean and dehumidified, giving you peace of mind that your vehicle is safe and looked after as you would expect.
  • Each vehicle is checked in to storage and photographed creating a record of condition, keys tagged and documented.
  • Part of the Check in process includes cleaning the vehicle using high quality equipment and trained staff to ensure the car is cleaned properly and prepared for storage. The car is then allowed to dry fully for 24 hours before storage, and brakes applied to remove flash rust from brake discs, and tyre pressures checked and increased to reduce flat spotting.
  • We can provide indoor breathable car covers, and battery trickle charging for your vehicle which is included as part of our maintenance  programme to ensure that your vehicle remains in A1 condition.
  • If you have multiple vehicles you can swap the space between vehicles that you own.
  • All vehicles are re-cleaned free of charge when returning to storage and you are more than welcome to come and use your vehicle for the day, weekend, week, or as long as you want! (We request 48 hours notice to ensure we have your vehicle ready for you).
  • All cars are regularly checked an inspected.
  • All storage space is discreet, indoors and dehumidified as well as secure.

We provide a solution for all your vehicle needs

  • Car Servicing and MOTs  - with our knowledge we can suggest the best service provider for your vehicle depending on your requirements. We provide a quote in advance of any work for your approval, and can provide fully insured transport to and from service. We can oversee service work freeing up your time, and on return to storage your car is checked, cleaned and prepared for storage again.
  • Valeting and Detailing Services - We can provide bespoke detailing and valeting services for your car while it is in storage with us. We work to the highest standards and have won awards at Pebble Beach Concourse the most prestigious concourse in the world.
  • Restoration and Repairs - We have an extensive network of contacts that we can suggest for all levels of repair or restoration to suit your car and your requirements.
  • National and International Transport - In conjunction with highly skilled and diligent transport providers we regularly provide relocation services for vehicles both within the UK and globally. 
  • Vehicle Purchase and Sale Services - through our sister business Speedmaster Ltd we are able to offer a concierge purchase and sales service for collectable cars.